I would like to introduce to real victims of asaram & tales we have beard when we were inside asaram ashram with a ebook called SHAITAN BANA ASARAM . We don't belong to any party, but yes we are Hindu's and ashamed that hindu thekedaars didn't came to help victims of asaram.
As we are not writers like you, so we have only written in basic spoken language, BUT we have attached some court copies of court cases against asaram to show you that his crimes are not form today, or he didn't became criminal just after the murders of the two boys. There are number of unreported deaths & dead bodies are burnt by saying it was haadsa (accident). Like when one time we were digging in Ahmedabad ashram then we digged a bit deeper the person died, no where it was reported. It was just declared as accident not even FIR was done or any post mortem was done. In each of the ashrams all over India if you can take any of the old sadhak in confidence then he will reveal all of his secrets. What you see form outside it's not at all inside. there are number of horror stories & fear factor given to each sadhak.

I would request you to please look in details, go to his ashram with open mind and see the un humane mind prison asaram has made for thousands of people.
I sincerely hope you can involve some Human Rights Organizations with you while doing investigation for this.
We speak from our heart and mental torture what we had beard and others are bearing now, their first weapon they use is GURU KI NINDA KARNE WALA NARAK MEIN PAHUNCH JATA HAI. Then asaram writes bogus stories how he blessed some one who took deeksha form him, means paid him membership fees and did fasting in his name instead of god.
This is very serious issue, as people living in ashram are made slaves forever life. Britisher left India but asaram tied people to work in his factories and his organization in the name of Guru Sewa. he is all about thug, he is not sadhu , as he has sex with devotees which we are willing to go to narco test and provide details when where with who he had sex with. See each of his victims is willing to go to Narco test but asaram won't come for narco rather he himself is saving even the suspects from narco.
After breaking families and taking over their family assets, he had started exploiting family members female devotees to spread his message to recruit more in their local residential areas. As seen on TV families are broken & they have still not been united, rather asaram now to save his dirty face trying to put dispute in religions itself. In all of the shakti pardarshan rally's he is organizing in local residential areas, he is distributing small pamphlets which clearly says that all sajish was done by Christian missionaries, & foreign hands are involved.
In his pamphlets he spreads superstition that there is we should only believe him because he has 8lakh sadhaks ? After having 8 lakh sadhak it gives him a license to do goondaraaj ? No parent will ever want to send their child to his ashram then come on TV to beg from him after 14 yrs. He published his own paper, his own magazine, which get's internally distributed through area wise managers samitis. In all of his 4 pages of news papers he publishes, laughable matters is that you should stop thinking & don't believe in Media is showing about victims of asaram, don't believe in victims, just belive in what asaram is saying.
About Adiwasi & Garib junta ka bhala he writes please ask people who have left him after working in his ashram jail for 10-15 years, we can explain you exactly how just by spending under 1 lakh and distributing matches, agarbatti, candle & 1 kilo rice asaram makes over 4 crores in one of his bhandara for adivasi. In return every time he eyes some land to be grabbed, and PR activity is done.
You really need to think that a person who is so thick skin that he personally has humiliated mothers who are asking for her son back, a person who filed FIR against them for cheating is threatened to be murdered, Rape victim who is out is being character assassinated isn't all these signs of power full people playing politics. Some are breaking country on the basis of dharam, some on state language, but asaram was breaking families over guru sewa in superstition now he has also joined in breaking country by alleging that victims belongs to Christian communities. (this is all to bhramit people so he can get support from party's fighting over Orrisa issue).
In his pamphlet he also took Mahatma Gandhi's name but he forgot Mahatma Gandhi fought for slaves to get them free from British raj, but parents are crying out loud on TV and in front of all of his ashrams that their children are made slaves for life in andhwishwas of asaram ki sewa.
Because public is now aware of his criminal activities & frauds, so they are removing his photographs & have diminished from the nautanki in the name pravachan he used to organize,but asaram has started a new propaganda now. now he has started SHAKTI PARDARSHAN RALLIES in which he puts his large photograph & stops traffic in major cities on main roads and with loud voice of loudspeakers he is desperately trying to woo people's attention. This is all tactics used by politicians not by dharmik gurus. Sad part is due to some illiterate, & superstitious people whole community & samaj is suffering. Please look in details posted in SHAITAN BANA ASARAM , or in ASARAM KI KALI KARTUTS . All victims who ever came on TV asking for help are still looking for justice.
As a writer I hope you will help the victims to get justice in your way. Please feel free to take my writing and write in your own way. No copyrights so it's all yours.(Amrut Prajapati) Wed, Nov 5, 2008
The writer of this blog is a criminal , the writer of this article should be put into jail immediately for propogating hate messages and playing with the religious sentiments of crores of people.
Mr RAVINDRA RANJAN , this is a stern warning to remove this article asap , else face a lawsuit charging you of criminal activities by
1:spreading wrong information against noble and pious institution 2: spreading hatred in society , 3:trying to incite people by playing with the religious sentiments.
I hope you understand and let better sense prevail in you.
please see...
thank you
Whatever happened to the days when we prayed to God himself?
So far in last three months asaram has paid around 3 crores in Cash to just supress the news of victims.
If you write one article of true face of asaram then he will first try to harrass you by saying he will sue you bla blah but he can't sue you becuase you are not writing against a religion you are exposing a criminal, then if you stilll write then he will try to buy you by paying lakhs of ruppes. asaram paid huge cash to TV chanels becuase for 30minute slot which anyone can buy for 3 lah he paid 30 lakh but made a deal that don't expose me and don't show story of my victims or rapes and sex abuse in asaaram and narayan ashrams. Remember even if asaram takes you to court still becuase there are thousadns of victims more you will get lot of support from victims, let him take you to court as there will be ten new victim stories will come along.
Asaram spread superstition and milkiing thousands of crores a year. so far his asseets are 45,000 crores which is on the bloods of thousands of people he killed in ashrams.
check out more on http://www.slavecult.com
i want to say that y gov is not taking action against him
asaram is not criminal our i9ndian people r criminals who believe in criminal
saale harami, teri aukaat kya thi. tu aaj unke tere kiye hue ehsaano ko bhulakr unpe he ungali utha rha h. tu to aise maut marega na ke tujhe to narak mein b jagah nhi milegi. sb sadhko ke aise badduae milengi na tujhe ke bs. ab to tu dekhna ke tera kya haal hoto h?
Hey hey hey!! mind ur language man!!!
dude.. this is totally clear that asharam is indeed a criminal.. and watever he has done to the sentiments of innocent people in name of religion and spirituality is unforgivable!!
I really want to expose him in front of whole country.. so people spend their time and money in their own progress and country's progress, instead of wasting it in name of religion and finally on fighting over it!!
there is no alternative of hardwork..
nothing in this world can be done by magic!! no miracle has ever occured or would occur.. everything productive has always taken place as a result of human action in the right direction!
Jus sitting and serving insane people like asharam wont ever lead to ur progress!
all inventions, all historic events, all good deeds are result of human actions driven by his own mind and thinking.. so dont rely on anyone else's crap speech or advice!! ignore worthless people like asharam, who cant do anythng else so have opened an ashram and enslave innocent people for mere greed, which proves his worthlessness and inhumane nature!!!
PEOPLE .. wake up!! be yourself..
live for yourself, your loved ones and your dreams..
if we take steps then only India can go ahead...
lets make a move friends and screw this asharam!!
BEWARE: Indian Godman Asaram Bapu is a Conman and Evil
This is for the information of general public that they should save themselves and their family from the evil Godman ‘Asaram Bapu’. This highly intelligent and evil guy has been running a cult moment that involves black magic, hypnotism, evil spells, land grabbings, ritual killings, all on the name of religion and Indian Sanatan Dharama. He has got 100s of ashrams or institutes IN INDIA where techniques of mind control like hypnotism, visualization exercises, prayers etc are used to brainwash people to leave their families and work as slaves in his institutes or ashrams, and finally sacrificed in evil satanic rites. His website is www.ashram.org
I personally know of a family that lost their daughter who had been hypnotized to leaves her family and become part of his gang. There are countless such examples of young boys and girls leaving their parents and made slaves by his cult.
Asaram has been involved in ritual sacrifice of minor boys. Dipesh Vaghela and Abhishek Vaghela, both minors were sacrificed by Asaram cult in a tantric ritual. Their dead bodies were found near a river.
Asaram has been accused in multiple land grabbing cases including Gambhoi Ashram, Navra Ashram etc.
There have been many murders that have been reported in Asaram's Ashram.
Also, it is alleged that Asaram's Ashram is hypnotising and systematically raping 100s of women, girls and minors. For more details please watch videos on youtube.
Please review these links to know more details of this cult moment:
There are so many land grabing cases against asaram n his son. pls visit http://www.slavecult.com/
.ASARAM WANT TO KILL 6 PERSONS...... http://in.youtube.com/watch?v=cIet6PFizhU
YouTube - conman ASARAM bapu son narayan sindhi calls himself god
one ios only entitled to comment on a topic...if he or she ses the other side...if a person goes to ashram for 4-5 days and then does his research...and finds a flaw...or even a handheld video of any wrong ...surely post it...i wil support it.
but paid ppl saying I was abused, looted, raped ...is something tht goes against every saint.
Just before goign against any saitn,,,go and try to explore on your own and then present a view...nit by hearing wht others say.
Media can be bought...always keep his is mind.
good work dude, he is indeed a shaitan,
plz do something, expose him, i want to show my family members that he is fake,
my family members r crazy for him, i tried to convince my family members, but all my efforts went in vain,
plz show his criminal side to the whole world
plz plz plz plz plz...............
Good Work dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is unfortunate of public of India where leaders and Gurus keep continue rapes with our girls. The matter is now in court and nobody has right to suggest Indian judiciary. If court adopts any foolish idea of Asaram, there is an acute need of total revolution. All the country media wrights for more than hundred rapes and Asaram living away from news of this burning country.
all non-sense, this person itself is psyche, open-minedness??? first you open your mind, theres no membership fee taken, nor any kind of chanda in any name?
all non-sense, this person itself is psyche, open-minedness??? first you open your mind, theres no membership fee taken, nor any kind of chanda in any name?
see u all...those who supporting and those who are not..i damn care..i just want to say that his controversial pics,deaths,news and upon all the statements which he passed on for that poor girl that Delhi case victim was just un expect-able. I think the person who calls himself God can think and say so much..if those basted's were from her community and if only after pleading she would have been saved herself from them ,then i would like to understand what to say to those fathers ,brothers,and other relatives who rapes their own blood????
I would like to have answers from all of you who are in favor of this Bapu...???
"She should have called them brothers"..wow wt a joke...just think being on the place of that girl...m sure that none of you would can even imagine..
Guys think before speak as he is proving to be bad and dhongi...dont know till when he is gonna save himself from that divine spirit which is always there to decide good and bads for us...
Asharam is the biggest crook on the name of saint and the foolish people that believes him on the name of god because they are blind and don"t understand that the god doesn"t need to run their business on the name of helping peoples.
and after all how is it possible that a milk salesman would become saint asharam baba after some years!
First of all, whoever has written this article, you just give me ur cell no. and address. and u just look WHAT I WILL DO, HOW MUCH MONEY DID U GET FOR WRITING SUCH NONSENSE THINGS, Which party do you belong just tell me... himmat hai aur teri baton mein sacchain hai hai to apna no. aur address de na, fir dekhte hai kaun jhut kaun sach...
watch the real truth about ashram bapu and fake media(aaj tak, india tv, ndtv and many more)
Fed up with rape, sexual assault news flooding the front page of newspapers since past few days and endless debates on television for what should be the ultimate punishment, I felt some peace in my heart when I heard about our very own baba Asaram Bapu’s conviction for raping a school going minor at his ashram near Jodhpur and that he was sentenced to life imprisonment till death.http://asarambapu-realstory.blogspot.in/2013/09/why-is-asaram-bapu-being-framed.html#comment-form
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