In a kidnapping case in Delhi, six students including two MBA students were arrested on Sunday evening by the South Delhi police. The accused had kidnapped a 15-year-old student of Gyan Bharti school and were demanding a ransom of Rs 80 lakh to cover up their losses in the share market.
According to the police, the two MBA students had planned the kidnapping along with a cousin to make up huge losses suffered by them in the share market. The trio had also hired some criminals to execute their plot. The 15-year-old Class IX student was on his way to school on Thursday morning along with a friend when Rohit, Piyush, Dilip and Ramesh accosted the two in their silver Hyundai Getz car. As per the plan, the men asked the two about the way to the teenager’s house. The teenager readily agreed to accompany them home, taking them to be distant relatives. The men drove away instead to a secluded house at Sukhrali village in neighbouring Gurgaon and locked up the teenager in a room. The house had been taken on rent from one Suresh Ahlawat on the pretext of using it as a godown and Rs.15,000 had been paid as advance.
When the boy did not return home after school, his brother-in-law got a case registered at the Saket police station. Soon the family started receiving ransom calls demanding Rs.80 lakh for his release. The teenager’s father had died a year ago and he had been living with his mother and a sister in Saket. During investigation, the police found that the Haryana registration number of the car was a fake. They were then tipped off that a car with four young men and a schoolboy had been spotted in Sector 17 of Gurgaon.“Following the input, the police team carried out house-to-house enquiries and the car was found parked in a plot belonging to Suresh Ahlawat in Sukhrali. Based on Suresh’s interrogation one of the accused was identified as a friend of the teenager’s first cousin. He was questioned and he confessed to having kidnapped the boy along with his friends Piyush and Rohit. The three had hired a gang for Rs.1 lakh,” said Deputy Commissioner of Police (South) H. G. S. Dhaliwal on Monday.
The cousin had a longstanding property dispute with the teenager’s family and bore a grudge against them. He purportedly discussed his plan to kidnap the boy with Rohit and Piyush, whom he had met at a hairdressing saloon in Gurgaon and struck a friendship. Rohit and Piyush, both MBA students, readily agreed as they had suffered heavy losses in the share and property market and wanted to recoup as much as they could. Saloon owner Praveen Kashyap also joined the trio to make some quick money and introduced them to Dilip and Ramesh, who had a criminal past. (the hindu)
Piyush Jain (24) is an MBA student in IMT Ghaziabad. His friend Rohit Chopra (24), enrolled in Ignou’s MBA course, is a property dealer in Gurgaon. The duo together lost around Rs 80 lakh in market meltdown. That was the ransom demand to Arjun’s mother Kidnapping allegedly conducted by 21-year-old Bharat Jhamb, Arjun’s first cousin. He was reportedly unhappy with his share of ancestral property that got divided 3 years ago between his father and Arjun’s father. (tnn)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
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